forum for jrummy16 ROM's at
This is a built from source ROM based on Android 2.2
Kangerade does include an app to run several of the scripts in the ROM. Many more scripts are present and can by ran from the terminal.
Scripts are all located in /system/xbin
The script to change the boot animation (switchba) may not work if a file exists in /data/local. To remedy, just download
Android Mate from the market and delete the file from /data/local.
There are additional
goodies that can be loaded into the ROM after successful flashing. It mostly consists of many live wallpapers and boot animations.
Boot into recovery from the script app.
Linpack 12.473 Mflops, 0.43 Seconds, 3.36 Normal Res
Gears 61 fps
Quadrant Standard Full Benchmark 1191
NenaMark1 10.3 fps
This kernel runs well on my phone. Quite snappy and runs cool. Remember that heat just represents wasted battery power.
Benchmarks running the 1.25 GHz ChevyNo1 Medium voltage Kernel.
Linpack 12.618 Mflops, 0.43 Seconds, 3.35 Normal Res
Gears 62 fps
Quadrant 1162
Nenamark1 10.7 fps
It seems that the 1.25 GHz kernel runs hotter and offers very little additional performance over the 1.0 GHz kernel.