Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Droid init.sholes.rc file

Google page that lists startup commands permissible in the .rc files.

For some reason lithmod 1.0.12 has the kernel speed locked between 500 MHz and 800 MHz. SetCPU can be used to adjust this but I didn't want to pop for the cash when android has this feature built in.

To change the cpu scaling:
Edit the /init.sholes.rc file and chage the scaling_max_freq and scaling_min_freq settings
(still in progress)
-rwxr-x--- system system 6473 2010-07-22 23:44 init.sholes.rc

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Flashing Froyo on the Sprint Vogue (Touch)

Unlock the phone
You'll need active sync...sigh.
Following the directions above results in an error in the last step (titan_exitbl.exe). Found a post that indicates it's only needed on Titan phones and that the Vogue does not require the exitbl.exe More info on the unlocking process is from ppcgeeks.

To enter bootloader, hold down power and camera, then press and release reset, wait for the tricolor screen.

Download the Froyo ROM with support from xda. FAQ on android dev on Touch also at xda.

You'll need to first flash a GPS capable Shipped rom from here. I used this one.

Now flash the radio by renaming to VOGUIMG.nbh and placing in the root of the SD card and booting into the boot loader.
--Well that didn't work, it couldn't find an image on the sd card. Oh well I just used the ROMUpdateUtility.exe with the voguimg-240x320-froyo-15-07-10.nbh file in that directory and all seemed to be well. The phone rebooted and I held down the center button and followed the rest of the directions.

Oh, crap...it's booting right now and showing the droid X boot animation.

Works, amazing.

Keys are-
Menu: Power
Back: Camera
Green: Phone
Red: Power on/off
Volume up/down: volume up/down

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Droid ROM impressions - Kangerade 5.0.9 by jrummy

Support forum for jrummy16 ROM's at droidforums.net

This is a built from source ROM based on Android 2.2

I installed the blue theme.

Kangerade does include an app to run several of the scripts in the ROM. Many more scripts are present and can by ran from the terminal.

Scripts are all located in /system/xbin

The script to change the boot animation (switchba) may not work if a bootanimation.zip file exists in /data/local. To remedy, just download Android Mate from the market and delete the bootanimation.zip file from /data/local.

There are additional goodies that can be loaded into the ROM after successful flashing. It mostly consists of many live wallpapers and boot animations.

Boot into recovery from the script app.

Benchmarks running the 1.0 GHz ChevyNo1 Medium voltage Kernel.
Linpack 12.473 Mflops, 0.43 Seconds, 3.36 Normal Res
Gears 61 fps
Quadrant Standard Full Benchmark 1191
NenaMark1 10.3 fps
This kernel runs well on my phone. Quite snappy and runs cool. Remember that heat just represents wasted battery power.

Benchmarks running the 1.25 GHz ChevyNo1 Medium voltage Kernel.
Linpack 12.618 Mflops, 0.43 Seconds, 3.35 Normal Res
Gears 62 fps
Quadrant 1162
Nenamark1 10.7 fps
It seems that the 1.25 GHz kernel runs hotter and offers very little additional performance over the 1.0 GHz kernel.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Rooting the droid

Android terminology forum post.

A few how2's.

The 's just mean you'll need to download something and have it ready for the rooting/flashing process.

Here is the droid rootkit that scripted most/all of the rooting wiping process.

After you complete the rooting flashing to 2.0.1 step you can proceed with flashing the bugless beast V0.4 ROM. Don't enter your google user name until after bb V0.4 is installed.

This is the ROM that I'm running, it's called bugless beast V0.4 based on Adroid 2.2 release FRF84B.

Ok to enter your google username now. Phone will seem sluggish at first. Enable wifi to speed the download and restore of all your old apps.

You'll want a new kernel. Mine is the ChevyNo1 ULV 1.25GHz version. Some phones don't support that fast a clock speed though.

A few benchmarking programs, you can search and install from the market.
Linpack - I get 19.196 Mflops on my droid.
Gears- I'm getting 61 frames per second.
Quadrant Standard - 1557 is the score on my phone.
NenaMark1 - 11.8 seconds

Manual install process for the interested.

A few tricks that your phone can now do:

Install adobe flash 10.1
Wireless Tether goodness. I downloaded from the Market though.
Get yourself a terminal emulator.
.gif images now animate. What took so long!
Chrome to Phone. Send links directly to your phone from chrome or firefox.

Monday, April 12, 2010


clipped from www.oddee.com
Oddee.com - A Blog on Oddities: the odd, bizarre and strange things of our world!

9 Hilariously Ironic Stories

Published on Today 4/12/2010
under Stories
- by Gracie Murano

The man who drowned to death at a lifeguard's party

In September of 1985, there was a celebration held at a New Orleans municipal pool. The party was being held in order to celebrate the first summer in memory without a drowning at the pool. In honor of the occasion, two hundred people gathered, including one hundred certified lifeguards. As the party was breaking up and the four lifeguards on duty began to clear the pool, they found a fully dressed body in the deep end. They tried to revive Jerome Moody, 31, but it was too late. He had drowned surrounded by lifeguards celebrating their successful season.
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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


clipped from www.wired.com

DIY Jet Almost Ready to Fly


The SubSonex is a small, single-seat jet designed to provide high performance in an airplane that fits in your garage. Of course, there is some assembly required. But that, and the $60,000 price tag, is a small price to pay for the thrill of a lifetime.

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