Sunday, June 22, 2008

Opera Mini on Windows Mobile

Forum post and here where this information came from.

Install a midlet manager

You'll need a JVM. Esmertech Jbed works really well download from xda-dev. Here is a roundup of midlet managers.

Next visit Opera Mini from PIE.

Making a direct shortcut to Opera Mini (or any other Java Midlet)

Copied from pdaphonehome

Since Opera Mini is a Java Midlet application, one annoying aspect is that to run Opera Mini, you must first run the Java Midlet, tap on the “Applications” list item, then tap on the “Opera Mini 4 beta” item. Luckily, some industrious users out there have figured out how to create a shortcut that launches Opera Mini (or any other Java app) directly. Assuming you haven't installed any other Java apps, you need to create a shortcut file (e.g., opera.lnk) pointing to (“\windows\jeodek.exe” -run s1_), or (“\windows\jbed.exe -run s1_”), if using Jbed instead.

The magic portion is the number after the the letter “s” in the shortcut target. This is the list position of the Java Midlet in the Jeodek/Jbed application list. If you install Jeodek/Jbed as a fresh install (non Mogul users), and then directly install Opera Mini, just use the number “0” to refer to Opera Mini (“\windows\jbed.exe -run s0_”). If you install another MIDlet (after Opera Mini), its index will become 1, then the next installed Midlet will have an index of 2, and so on.

Locating the number that corresponds to a Java Midlet

To find which number corresponds to an installed Java Midlet, navigate to the (windows\appdb) folder. There should be some .jar files in there, with one of them being the Opera Mini jar file (or other Java Midlet you wish to target). Whatever the number is after the letter “s”, is the number needed in your shortcut link. Only the first part of the file name of the midlet is needed, so lets say, in the appdb folder, you have “s0_suite.jar”, for your shortcut target, leave out the suite.jar, and only put “s0_”, so your shortcut should point to (“\windows\jbed.exe” -run s0_), NOT (“\windows\jbed.exe” -run s0_suite.jar). A pre-made shortcut file can be found here.

You can use Total Commander to create the .lnk file.

Copied from pdaphonehome

Skipping the Connection Permission Prompt (Only applies to JBed) One of the only negatives of using Jbed, over Jeodek, used to be that any time an application wanted to access to the Internet, Jbed would ask twice if you want to allow the action. It will also forget this permission next time you ran the application, so you would have to give permission every time you ran a Midlet that tried to access the Internet. Thanks to forum user g-funkster, a work around for this annoyance has been found!

1.) Copy the file \windows\appdb\selector.utf to your PC (make sure backup this file first in case something goes wrong!) 2.) Remove read-only attribute 3.) Open the file with a hex editor, and find the line


domain=untrusted, \

Replace the text untrusted with the text tckmax. Add space characters between the x (in tckmax) and the comma (otherwise connection warnings or a nullpointerexception error may occur). The above line may appear multiple times in the “selector.utf” file, each corresponds to a different Java Midlet you have installed in JBed.

If hex editing is too blackhat for you, g-funkster has created a desktop application that can do this for you automatically! You can find it here.

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